In memory of

Andrew Brown

EVECCS, ECVECC and the Congress Organising Committee are very sad to have lost our colleague and friend on 11th June 2019 at the age of 41 years. Andrew was a talented emergency and critical care clinician having taught veterinary students in both the USA and the UK, and latterly at R(D)SVS Edinburgh. He was keen to push the boundaries of learning and had an inquisitive mind with a passion for research.

Andrew was Vice-President of ECVECC and a valued member of our Congress Organising Committee, our thoughts are with his family.  We in the ECC community will miss him greatly, as will his many friends, colleagues and students across the globe.

Andrew Brown

Jennifer Devey

Jen passed away on June 11, 2024. We knew her best as a DACVECC specialist who had a passion for emergency surgery and treating trauma-related injuries. She loved to teach, impacting countless students and peers with her enthusiasm and passion for emergency and critical care. Only a few months prior to her death, she presented lectures on-line to her Canadian peers and continued to participate in committee discussions advancing VetCOT initiatives. For at least 20 years, she was the lab coordinator for all the IVECCS workshops and organized the IVECCS Emergency Procedures Wet Lab, recently named in her honour to recognize the impact she had on teaching emergency veterinarians how to improve the outcome of their patients. She was also a recipient of the Ira M Zaslow Distinguished Service Award, the highest award from VECCS. 

We also knew her as a traveller who taught in so many regions around the world she was instrumental in supporting the early EVECC Congress wet labs.  Mentoring not only the delegates but also the instructors themselves. Jen also loved sailing with her family, bird-watching, fly-fishing for trout, cooking, and enjoying a good beer and the many late evening conversations with the founders of EVECCS helped shape the society today. A few paragraphs cannot tell the full life of Jennifer Jean Devey, DVM, DACVECC. However, your memories of her and the lives she helped you save, will be her legacy.

Jennifer Devey
Dvm, Dipl.ACVECC

Isabelle Goy-Thollot

Our profession lost a cherished friend, colleague and mentor with the death of Isabelle Goy-Thollot on April 30th, 2023.

Isabelle has been a pioneer in the ECC world as she opened the first ICU in France (SIAMU®) in 2000, of which she was not only the head of unit for 19 years, but also a true leader for her team and students.

After developing ECC in the vet school, she developed this specialty in France by being in the board of the first ECC French society, and then started to connect with European criticalists. She was involved in EVECCS from the beginning and was the president from 2005 till 2008.

She was named one of the 10 people who became Founding Diplomates of the European College of ECC and worked hard for the development of the specialty in France and Europe.

We will always remember her professionalism, her modern vision on ECC and her perseverance in all projects. Everyone who knew Isabelle will also remember her elegance, her laugh and sense of humour!

Isabelle Goy-Thollot
DECVECC, Head of the ICU of Lyon (France), EVECCS past-president

Louise O'Dwyer

The EVECC team and the veterinary community mourn the tragic passing of Louise O'Dwyer on the 5th of May 2019, who has inspired and trained so many of us, and whose loss will be felt throughout the ECC family. Louise was unique and irreplaceable, and will be a big miss at our Congress.

Louise O'Dwyer
MBA BSc(Hons) VTS(Anaesthesia/Analgesia & ECC) DipAVN(Medical & Surgical) RVN

Gary Stamp

The EVECC team and the veterinary community also mourn the tragic passing of Gary Stamp on May 26th, 2019. Gary was a true pioneer and was instrumental in the development of the whole specialty of ECC. Gary’s support was invaluable and EVECCS wouldn’t be where we are today without him.

Gary Stamp
Executive Director of VECCS

Fabio Vigano

The EVECC team and the veterinary community mourn the passing of Fabio on May 29th, 2024

Fabio was the father of ECC in Italy, previous president and founding member of SIMUTIV, and President of SIARMUV. He was member of VECCS since 1993, was a founding member of EVECCS, and became associate member of ECVECC. 

He was Adjunct Professor at the Universities of Milan and Lisbon. Graduating from the University of Milan in 1987. Following graduation, he founded and worked at a 24-hour hospital (Clinica Veterinaria San Giorgio) Fabio dedicated his life to help his patients. His contagious laughter and indomitable spirit made him unforgettable. We all remember Fabio for his inquiring mind and thirst for knowledge that always led him to ask questions and entertain in stimulating clinical discussions. An irreplaceable friend who always supported his colleagues, making them part of our community. He will be missed immensely. 

Fabio Vigano
DVM, SCMPA, GPcert EM&S, ECVECC Ass. Member