Retrospect 21st congress

Dear EVECC’ers,

We hope that you are managing to find some time over the summer to spend with your loved ones and reflect, recharge and re-ignite your passion for the profession that we all hold so dear.

The 20th EVECC Congress took place in the fascinating, cultural city of Porto. Our now EVECCS president Joao de Araújo was the LOC organiser and with his remarkable team together with the central organising committee and PCO put together an outstanding Congress. The buzz by the river in the large auditoriums was fantastic and it was an impressive turn out by you all – so thank you to everyone for attending and contributing to what was our largest attended congress EVER! The social calendar was filled with as many options as there are ways to drink port, and we have to confess we have had a few Porto tonico since returning home.



The EVECC Congress took place from the 1st to the 3rd June and  for the second year in a row we had a the Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound Symposium on May 31st day, with 202 delegates attending. Lectures and labs were attended with enthusiasm it is delightful to see a special interest group within our community growing from strength to strength.



Our main event had 45 national and international speakers in the three streams to shine a light on topics that are cutting edge and to refresh others. The resident stream pushed physiology boundaries and more, with a host of engaging speakers.


Awards are always part of the event and thanks BBraun, VECCS and AVECCT for their sponsorship.

Best Original study:  Laura Cole
Best Intern/Resident Original Study: Julia Ortlieb
Best Case Report: Efrat Kelmer
Best Nurse/Tech presentation: Amanda Baldwin


The Society and College jointly funded and warded the EVECC Congress Research grant which was awarded to Ludovic Pelligand for his research proposal: PK/PD And Biomarker Exploration Between Boluses And Extended Infusion For Intravenous Amoxicillin-clavulanic Acid Administration: A Prospective, Randomized, Open Label Study In Critically Ill Dogs.

The EVECCS student grant sponsored by Royal Canin was awarded to Julie Dingen.


We would like to thank everyone for participating in the awards, those putting together applications and our scientific committee for their time in evaluating them all. 

The EVECC Congress could not have been possible without the help, support and hard work of so many dedicated people, giving up their time to help support this fantastic initiative and to give something back to the ECC community which they do in spades. Thank you to all the members of the Central and Local organising committees, and thank you to the speakers themselves.

We simply would not have an affordable Congress to our delegates without our sponsors and thank you to all of them and our sponsorship committee. The exhibition hall was a great space and lots of conversations, and questions were being asked, as well as games!



Thank you to Royal Canin for sponsoring to Ukrainian vets to come to the Congress. A reminder to those that listened to their stories that many of us might have significant challenges though the bonds of our profession bring us together and can help and support each other. The online congress was made available to 102 Ukrainian vets who weren’t able to join us. It is impossible to write anything that can sum up what the country and those trying to look after pets and livestock are facing, though we will continue to support our colleagues in whatever ways we can in the future.

This was sadly the first Congress where our past president Isabelle Goy-Thollot did not join us in person, though her spirit and passion was filled in the hearts of those that spoke and listened to her eulogy. She will be missed by all. A joint scholarship will be funded for travel and attendance to IVECCS/EVECC Congress by VECCS, ACVECC, EVECCS and ECVECC, a fitting acknowledgement from the global ECC community on her impact. Our thoughts and sympathies to her family and friends.


Finally, we would like to invite you to the 21st EVECCS Congress in Gothenburg, Sweden from the 30th May to the 1st June 2024, VECCUS will have a symposium day on the 29th May for the third year in a row! You should have all been sent instructions on how to watch this year’s Congress recordings, so you can catch up on what you missed, or re-watch what you saw! We are looking forward to seeing you in Sweden, for more education, inspiration and fun (and potentially a new favourite local delicacy!).    


      Chiara Valtolina                                                            Dominic Barfield       
Past President of EVECCS                                                 President of ECVECC