Advanced Stream


 Room: Elatifi 1-2

08.45 - 08.55 | Opening Ceremony | Elatifi

09.00 - 09.45 | Thyroid emergencies in small animals | Chris Scudder
09.50 - 10.35 | Management of pheochromocytoma | Chris Scudder

10.35 - 11.15 | Morning break & Poster visit | Exhibition Area

11.15 - 12.00 | Steroids in critical illness | Claire Sharp
12.05 - 12.55 | Tips and potential pitfalls in DKA management: panel | Poppy Gant & panel

12.55 - 14.10 | Lunch break & Poster visit | Exhibition Area

14.10 - 15.00 | Anaphylaxis: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment | Claire Sharp & Corrin Boyd 
15.05 - 15.55 | Envenomations | Claire Sharp & Corrin Boyd 

15.55 - 16.35 | Afternoon break & Poster visit | Exhibition Area

16.35 - 17.25 | Smoke inhalation | Corrin Boyd 
17.30 - 18.20 | Heatstroke | Claire Sharp

18.30 - 18.45 | Opening Ceremony | Elatifi  
18.45 - 20.00 | Welcome Reception | Exhibition Area