Resident Stream
Room: Olipia 1-2
09.00 - 09.45 | Core principles of statistics | Steve Epstein
09.50 - 10.35 | Mitochondria injury in critical illness: mechanisms and mitigation strategies | Guillaume Hoareau
10.35 - 11.35 | Morning break & Poster visit | Exhibition Area
11.35 - 12.25 | Keynote Lecture: Better implementation of CRRT: from animal models to human studies and vice-versa | Vedran Premužić
12.25 - 13.20 | Abstract Ceremony | Abstract winners - Research Grant Winner - Student grant winner
| hosted by Rob Pope
13.20 - 14.25 | Lunch break & Poster visit | Exhibition Area
14.25 - 15.15 | Pulmonary dead space | Kate Hopper
15.20 - 16.10 | Baroreceptor physiology | Corrin Boyd
16.15 - 17.05 | Advanced renal physiology and relevance to fluid therapy decision making; acid base analysis diuretics usage | Poppy Gant
17.10 - 17.30 | Closing ceremony | Elafiti 1-2