Advanced Stream
Room: F1
07.15 - 07.45 | Breakfast | F Hall
07.45 - 08.45 | Royal Canin Breakfast lecture: Nutrition of cats and dogs in critical care | Hélène Charles | F3
09.00 - 09.50 | Eras for veterinary emergency and critical care: time for action | Angela Briganti
09.55 - 10.45 | PANS: a new medical entity? | Maxime Cambournac
10.45 - 11.25 | Morning break & Poster visit | EXPO Hall & F Hall
11.25 - 12.15 | Covid-19 pandemic – What have we learned in terms of ICU treatment and how did we come out on the other side? How to lead and prioritize when resources are limited and conditions are changing | Karin Löwhagen
12.15 - 13.10 | Abstract Ceremony | Abstract winners - Research Grant Winner - Student grant winner
13.10 - 14.25 | Lunch break & Poster visit | EXPO Hall & F Hall
14.25 - 15.15 | Veterinary ARDS and refractory hypoxemia - a review | Anusha Balakrishnan
15.20 - 16.10 | Gary stamp memorial lecture: HFOT: Beyond treatment of hypoxemia | Celine Pouzot-Nevoret
16.15 - 17.05 | Gary stamp memorial lecture: Ventilator waveforms: what can I learn from them? | Celine Pouzot-Nevoret
17.10 - 17.30 | Closing ceremony | F4+F5