Julie Menard

Dr. Menard graduated from the Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire D’Alfort (Paris, France) in 2006. After completion of a rotating internship in small animal medicine at the Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de l’Université de Montreal in Quebec, Canada 2006-2007, she moved to Ithaca, NY, USA to complete an ECC internship, followed by a residency from 2008 till 2011. Dr. Menard became a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care in 2011. Dr Menard has held faculty position, at the University of Zurich in Switzerland, Cornell University and is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Calgary. Her research interests are in antibiotic stewardship and antimicrobial resistance, the gastrointestinal microbiome and student education.

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